Proprietor: Steven M. Parker

About Me


I was born as Air-force brat August 31, 1955, at Fitzsimmons Army Hospital in Colorado. Dad decided that he'd had enough after 11 years in service. He was discharged honorably as a staff sargent in Helena, MT from Elmendorf AFB after driving the ALCAN highway with all we had in our old Plymouth Valiant. It was spring of 1963. I was seven.

Entering the Navy in 1979, after a stint in construction, I served as a nuclear machinist mate submariner until late in the fall of '88. I went to school while in port and at sea in a program tailored around those of us in the service, earning credit toward my BSME. I came out of the service as a chief machinist mate (MMC).

Trying my hand in construction again, I found myself wanting more for my family and myself.

I worked as a start-up engineer in the civilian world on power projects of all kind including coal, wind, gas turbine and combined cycle plants all over the world from 2000 until 2011 when I had a debilitating accident took me out as a startup engineer.

I'm now a writer and editor for independent publications.



I am a writer, an author of military sci-fi and alternate fiction. My time in the service was onboard submarines and instructing the nucs in their operation. Living on those things for months at a time gives me a unique insight into life onboard space vehicles that I use extensively.

I am published on Amazon, Nook and Kobo under my pen name of "Michael P. Stevens".


My wife and I are editors. We edit our own work as well as hire out for editing of other people's work. One of the most frustrating things for any author is the editing of a manuscript or document. You can hire it out to someone like me, only to have it come back still needing work. As a professional editor for manuscripts, technical documents, quality assurance documents and technical manuals, you can be assured of having the job done right.

The job is not over until the customer is satisfied.

These are some of my own published works

(just click on the image for a preview)