This book is a work of fiction, though much of the science in it is based on fact. I would like to thank those that have gone before that have lit my imagination on fire with their works of science fiction and fact. I hope that I am around long enough to see the unification of the physics and math of Albert Einstein, Miguel Alcubierre and Stephen Hawking to finally get us off of dead center and on the way to the stars.

I would also like to thank the greats of science fiction that have preceded me in putting their fertile imaginings on paper. Robert Heinlein, Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, Ray Bradbury, A. E. Van Vogt, E. E. "Doc" Smith and the other greats of science fiction supplied the impetus forward to complete this publication.It amazes me just how many of their imaginings have come to pass over the succeeding years.

Finally, I would like to thank the people and entrepreneurs that are spearheading our drive to get off this rock. They have taken up the challenge that was laid down when we left our first footprints on the moon. I believe that only through their combined efforts will we ever actually meet the mandate that was issued by the astronauts in 1969.

CHAPTER 1 – Continuation from Book 2

I returned before 25:00. Most were asleep in the house, but Cheryl was waiting for me in her robe. I helped myself to some midnight rations that we kept on-hand because of our weird hours. Sharing with her, we munched for a while. She sat next to me; her scent intoxicating. We ate our fill in silence with me wrapping her deeply in my love for her. When we were done, I cleaned up our mess, sensing she wanted to talk. She sat in my lap and I pulled her close, snuggling her in.

“Rob, those reporters today. We all saw how you handled that by creating a compulsion, causing them to turn back. Have you ever done that with us?” she asked quietly.

“No, that kind of thing requires conscious thought. I didn’t want to harm them. They were not here to harm us. I just wanted them to respect our privacy, that is all. They won’t come back. I won’t ever invade another person’s mind unless it is necessary for our protection or our peace of mind. That is tantamount to rape. It removes free will.”

"The ease with which you accomplished that scared us all. But we also saw something else. You handled them almost tenderly, making sure there was no panic and with compassion. You are and have always handled yourself in a godlike fashion. It was humbling. Like the thing today with the bush-lion-cat-thing. Even though we had to kill it to protect the children, if it hadn’t had been in mid-leap, you would have pushed it away from our people and back into the bush to live out its life as nature intended.”

“Cheryl, that beast had as much right as we do to live. I am sad at its passing. For centuries, its kind have been the master of its territory, killing and eating only what it requires to live. All life is precious. I won’t take it unless it is for self preservation, food, or in defense of a helpless sentient being. If an animal or being becomes a threat, a wanton killer or destroyer, then I will put them down. That one wasn’t a wanton killer. It was hungry.”

I carried Cheryl in my arms to the bedroom. Our companions almost roused as they had subconsciously sensed us. We sat in the easy chair gently, Cheryl’s lovely long legs draped over the arm, her sitting across my lap so we could snuggle. She unbuttoned my shirt so she could feel my chest and I pulled her close, content. She guided my right hand to her breast, which I petted. I caressed her, stroking her gently. She laid her head against my shoulder contentedly and dozed off. I followed her there shortly afterward, dreaming of her and of us together. Cheryl was the last link. I was really content, probably for the first time in my life. Our lives together were natural and easy.

CHAPTER 2 – The Price Of Love

We slept like the dead. I woke slowly to two sets of eyes lazily and contentedly watching us, not wanting to wake Cheryl. They opened a channel.

She has been so lonely and miserable for so long. You know, she didn’t realize until we were off world how miserable she was. So long as she could sense you close, she hoped your paths would cross again and she could rekindle the fire in you. The sentinels could sense her. When we left for the asteroid belt, she couldn’t feel you and was devastated. Then she felt you come and go in Magellan like I did. That see-saw of emotion was killing us both. Then we left for the stars and she was lost, withering away. The sentinels lost track of her. Bill found her and gave her a home in the Brigade, looking after her. She threw herself into work and school, then we were back. Rob, she was going to find us earlier, but the attack at the wedding foiled her chance again when we disappeared. She almost lost her mind until she transferred here. Bill/Kratos saved her Rob. She was dying of despair said Connie.

You seem to be there for us. You always seem to know what to do. Like now. Her spirit is healing every time you touch and love her. We’re going to get out of here and get some breakfast. Thank you for loving us as you do. Gina said compassionately.

Quietly, they rose and dressed. I just held my goddess and marveled at the fullness of heart and compassion shown by her sisters.

I didn’t get back to sleep. Instead my brain was thinking of all that had happened in just a few short weeks from the time that Sue had married.

Three goddesses required a lot of attention, at least a couple of hours every day. Everyday was something new. I had never wanted a harem, but I had one. I loved them all, though, and I couldn’t imagine life without them now. I had a feeling that our foursome was about to pick up at least one more probably two. I smiled as I took in the contours of our latest addition. Gods, what a way to go!

Cheryl came to about an hour later. Snuggling in, I could sense her happiness. I petted her, and she purred in affection. We didn’t speak, there was no need. Then we showered and joined the living. It was 06:30 when we left for breakfast, hand in hand. Connie and Gina joined us and told us what was on the menu. By the time Maureen made her way over, almost dancing as she did, we were ready with our orders. I could hear Antonio in the kitchen singing ‘El Paso’. I joined him and we sang the ballad with Ted as he joined us, harmonizing in. We all bowed to our ladies, who smiled, flushing at the display of affection. I was feeling in exceptionally fine fettle this morning and broke out in another Elvis love song, singing ‘Can’t help falling in love’ to my goddesses. I threw my heart and soul into it, dancing with Cheryl;

“♫…Wise men say; Only fools rush in; But I can’t help falling in love with you… For I can’t help falling in love with you!…♫”

The women in the house were fanning themselves with the heat of the song. The men were just smiling and thanking me mentally. Breakfast arrived and my smothered green-chili breakfast burritos almost disappeared before they hit the table. Another one appeared and that did it. I was temporarily full. The ladies were savoring theirs and talking as they did so. So… I held out my hand for Gina, took her into a close embrace and let loose with “Treat me like a fool”, dancing close with her. The heat in the room skyrocketed:

“♫…Treat me like a fool; Treat me mean and cruel; But love me… Take my faithful heart; Tear it all apart; But love me…♫”

I dipped Gina and kissed her with a kiss so deep and passionate; she creamed and had to excuse herself, followed by Connie and the rest of the women in the house. Antonio and the rest of us watched them go.

I looked at my companions and asked, “Was that a little over the top?” I grinned. They laughed, and we followed our women like puppies. My ladies were already naked by the time I entered. It wasn’t long before I was. This time we did not do a slow ride for a time. It was four and a half hours of hard loving before we came up for air, with four showers between bouts. I rubbed them down with the aloe inside and outside after the last shower. They were taking naps when I dressed and left the bedroom. What a great day!

I got cheers when I entered the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

“Thank you, thank you very much!” I said in my best Elvis imitation, bowing.

I went back and got into my Gi and went to the gym. Dan and his boys were there with the older kids. Things had slowed a bit for them after the morning chores. So they were doing a few light weights. Dan was in his regular outfit.

“Mornin’ Rob. That was quite the way to start the morning! I feel great! What’s with the Gi?”

“Just thought I would work out some energy. I don’t know how much I can hold in today, I feel so good! I figured I work the bag for a while. Don’t let me disturb you guys.”

I started with tai chi. Stretching and getting the form perfect. Dan and the boys were following, so I brought them into the routine. Looking good Doug, stretch a little more and you’ll be perfect. Omar, that’s nice! Dan, it looks like you have stayed in practice! Nice Francisco. Juan stretch and you’ll be perfect. We had it down, so I put some music to it. We hit a good pace and worked out bodies for about forty minutes, then I brought us down. The kids and Dan were all smiling.

I slipped on some lightly padded gloves and took off my top while they worked some light weights. Lining up on the heavy bag I rocked it several times with kicks, strikes and general Muay Thai holds. My kicks started whistling in as I really rocked the bag four or five times in rapid succession. They were watching now as I started getting into the routine. Then I started mixing in the other arts. One of the reverse crescent kicks sliced into the bag. The back kick I spun into was another that cut into the bag. The boys and Dan backed up as I started blurring into motion, taking the bag apart with my fists, chops, and kicks. I finished and cleaned up the mess, rehanging another bag.

“God Rob! That was totally awesome! Now I can see why you took those dance lessons. The flow and rhythm was a dance as you laid into it. My master never taught me that! That speed and power came because you were always balanced and in rhythm. You never had to reset to regain your balance. You were already there, moving into the next strike. How far did you get, anyway?”

“Oh, I’ve got a couple of black belts and slashes in about six or seven arts. The options kind of ran out when I reached the levels of my masters. So I kept studying on my own.” I said.

“Can you teach us? Everyone should learn to defend themselves!” he asked.

“We are teaching the adults, Dan. If the kids and you want to learn, I’ll be happy too. But I won’t unless there is a commitment to the program we set up. It’s a full training regimen and requires something every day, sometimes an hour or two. Deal?”

“Deal! I’ll make sure the young kids are covered for the time with Natalie and the rest. I’m sure that all the staff will want to get into it as well.” He said.

I took off the gear and headed back to the bedroom, throwing my Gi into the wash. The ladies were up and about, so I showered and dressed in some looser clothing and went to lunch. We had visitors. Nashwa and Derek were here talking and laughing with the rest of the staff.

“When did our guests get here? This is unexpected!” I kissed Nashwa and embraced them both.

“They just got here. You were in the shower. They’re here about their upcoming marriage and what comes after.” Connie said, letting me know they knew the problem. “They want to talk about that in private.”

“I would hope so! Either way, I’m always glad to see them. Are they joining us for lunch? Or have they already eaten?” I asked.

“They’re joining us. Wow! You’re like glowing! What have you been doing?” said Gina.

“Oh, I was just in the gym, working a bag, teaching the kids and Dan some tai chi.” I said.

“I heard about the last heavy bag you worked out with. Did this one survive?” she asked.

“Uh, no.” I answered.

She rolls her eyes. “I hope that we have a supply.”

“We had eleven spares. Now there are ten.” I said. “Now what is for chow today? I’m starved after the two workouts,” I said, smiling.

“I think that we have Zarzuela de Mariscos, sourdough pan de barra and a salad.”

“It’ll be ready shortly. Do you think you can sing something for us, maybe a little less romantic, but moving?” asked Cheryl. “I remember one…”

“‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’, Cheryl. A very moving, powerful song. You loved it but it made you cry every time.” I said.

“I would like to hear this ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ Rob.” said Nashwa.

“I’ll tell you what. Let’s go to the ballroom and get out of the chefs’ way while they are working. We’ll do some of my favorites and we can talk as well and do some dancing. How does that sound to everyone? Today is a dance day, anyway. And I’m burning with energy!”

“We noticed! Let’s go!” said Gina.

We went into the ballroom and I set up the Karaoke machine for a couple of songs.

“The first one is ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’,” I said. “This is a very beautiful song originally by Paul Simon when the ‘Simon and Garfunkel’ team were together. This is one of those songs that you sing from the soles of your feet. It is exquisite and moving. Cheryl, it’s your request. Shall we?” I said as I put on the lavaliere.

I took the lead in starting the dance with Cheryl. Putting my heart and soul into it, I started.

“♫…When you’re weary; Feeling small; When tears are in your eyes; I'll dry them all; I'm on your side…♫”

We dipped, and I kissed her. She was crying, not in sorrow, but because of the beauty of the song, her eyes shining. For a few seconds I felt like we were back in the studio again, I remembered it that vividly. She went back with me, remembering everything.

We came back to reality. Nashwa and Derek and the rest had gone with us and came back. It took a minute or two for everyone to get over the power and love of the song.

“Oh Rob, that was so beautiful! Do you know another like that?” Nashwa asked.

“I know several. I know another from that time. The Hollies did one called ‘He ain’t heavy, He’s my brother.’ It’s another that is a very powerful song. It’s from a time when the United States used to exist and the nation was torn in the throes of a war that most hadn’t wanted. Would you like to hear that one?”

“Yes! You have not performed this to anyone yet?” Nashwa asked.

“Not here. This was another that Cheryl and I danced to years ago.”

“I would dance with him for this one, if I may?” she asked my ladies, not me.

Their eyes were shining with their love for her, as we partnered up, Gina dancing with Derek.

Cheryl quietly said to Connie, “Wait till you hear this one!”

Magellan, would you take control of the machine? This isn’t going as planned.

Sure thing, boss. That last one was beautiful!

The lead in started and Nashwa flowed with me into the music, her eyes great, limpid pools. I could see her pure, lovely soul as she gave it willingly to me. I reached deep for this one, throwing my heart into it for the planet that I knew was listening.

“♫…The road is long; With a many a winding turn; That leads us to who knows where; Who knows where…♫”

She leaned into me, choked with emotion. As was everyone in the room. The planet took a breath.

She whispered, “That was so beautiful! I can see it in you, you are that way!” I hugged her tightly and gave her back to Derek, his eyes shining with love for us.

“Does anyone else have a special request they would like to hear and or dance to before lunch?” I choked out.

“How about ‘The Letter?’. That will help lighten the mood a little before lunch.” said Cheryl.

Connie was with me for this one.

Magellan, cue “The Letter” by the Box Tops please.

“♫…Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane; Ain’t got time to take a fast train; Lonely days are gone, I’m a-goin‘ home; ‘Cause my baby just wrote me a letter…♫”

That was a nice fast paced tune to raise the spirits before lunch. I was starved when Maureen called us in. All of us had been caught up in the power of the songs.

After our entire family was seated, Nashwa said the grace today in her own tongue. I knew the meaning, as did everyone. We were all linked in our minds and had been since the opening song.

The fish stew was delicious and everyone wanted more. Antonio and Maureen served us gladly and brought out more sourdough pan de barra and the local manteca. We talked and enjoyed each other’s company.

We stood from the dinner and adjourned to our bedroom to discuss the business that Nashwa and Derek had come for. We were there for Nashwa and Derek as they tried to broach the subject, but couldn’t. So I did. “Nashwa, Derek, we know why you are here. We love you both so very much and want you to be happy. You are part of us, and we know and feel that you desperately want children as we do. Children make a marriage complete. We want to help you, but if it is too hard for you to love another than Derek, we understand that as well. The choice is yours and yours alone, daughter of Demeter and son of man.”

We gathered around them, lending our strength to them, reaching a decision that was theirs and theirs alone.

They reached the decision together. “Rob, Derek and I both know that you love us as you do your wives and brothers. It would be our honor to be loved by you and bear your children to raise as our own. We know the prophesies as well. You will father two sets of twins for us. More if you and my sisters are willing.” Nashwa said, hope in her eyes.

“We would be happy to, Nashwa.” said Gina “We love both of you as our family.”

“I know what it is to despair, Nashwa.” said Cheryl. “I would do anything, anything to prevent you suffering from that terrible fate. You are such a caring, loving woman, I can’t ever imagine your life without a loving husband and children.”

“When and how do you want to do this, Nashwa, Derek? This is foreign ground for us, though it is nothing unusual for us to break with tradition.” We all laughed at that. “Understand that anything we do will be at the consent of us all. You have but to ask and if we can we will do it.”

“It would seem that I must be a woman with two husbands, one to give us the children we so desperately want, and both to love for all time. Derek, do you still want me, knowing that Rob will be there for us as well when we need him and his loves?”

“Nashwa, I cannot imagine breathing in a life without you. I need you and need for you to be happy. We can have both with Rob and his other loves in our lives! The man has such a great capacity for love in his life that there is room for him in mine. Yes! I want this desperately.”

“Rob, Connie, Gina, Cheryl, will you marry us knowing the circumstances and love us all the same?”

“I will,” answered Connie, Gina and Cheryl individually.

“I will, my loves. I pledge to give willingly and support this marriage in any fashion needed and more for the nurture of our children and family.” I said with all of my being.

“My heart is full to bursting! Life was so hard before our rescue, now it is unending joy! Oh, may the ride never end! I love you all so much and have so little to give back.” she was crying with love for us all, hugging us all individually.

When she looked into my eyes, she could feel the depth of the love for her and Derek. I dried them and whispered as I held her. “Dry your eyes, my love. Today we celebrate, for we have found each other! It’s complicated, but wonderful and we’re so happy to be part of your lives.” I kissed her passionately, taking her breath away, and hugged Derek warmly. This wonderful man would do anything for his love and life. I understood the depth of his commitment. He had earned my love and respect.

“On the day of our wedding, I would wish to make it a double Cheryl. Nashwa and Derek are marrying us as a family! I wish for us to be whole for that ceremony. We have already asked, and you have consented. I think it is time for my brother and I to step out while the preliminaries are handled by you lovely ladies. I plan to make arrangements for another impromptu dance! We have something to celebrate!” They all laughed, then escorted us, one on each arm, to the door and threw us out.